Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Baby Bowen is a............

Well today was my 15 week OB appointment and I told Dr T we wouldn't be upset if he wanted to give it a shot at guessing the sex, though that was not what was intended to be done at the appointment today. He rolled in the Ultrasound machine trying to satisfy my curiosity. There stood my entourage waiting. Mom, Judy, Doug and I patiently waiting to see if he could determined the sex. While searching, he found the heart rate to be between 155-160 with lots of movement. It's already got traits of it's momma. Lot's of energy and on the GO. He said everything appeared to be going well. And I've only gained a total of 5lbs. Yay. Then.....

He said, "well what are y'all hoping for?". Mom and I, of course, would love the little pageant girl and daddy over there was probably crossing his fingers for a Hunting buddy. However, most importantly we are all praying for the health of our baby. Boy or Girl we will be blessed with an amazing gift from God. It's just fun trying to find out what sex our little one will be. And for Me'maws everything she's bought so far has Pink in it.

Dr T wasn't confident enough to say Boy or Girl, but he did leave us with this...."Well for every 4 boy names you pick out, pick out 6 girl names!!!" He said there's a 60% chance of Girl, but not to go home and paint the room pink or anything. So what did me'maw do? She went to Baby Chic and bought a GIRL outfit. She seems pretty confident.

We will officially find out March 9, 2011 @ 800. They tried to give me a 1pm appointment. Are they crazy? Ive taken every test known to man and begged my OB Dr for an US @ 15 weeks.........I couldn't wait till 1pm that day. So 8:00 it is!!!! And not a minute later. LOL

We were also offered the blood test that determines the possible chances of Chromosomal defects and spinal abnormalities. Dr T said 90% of the time those that do come back with a possibility actually end up being okay. So we decided with that high of a chance for a False Positive, why do it? We trust in the Lord and know that He is going to bless this child. If there were anything wrong, it's all in Gods hands anyway. Why would we try to intervene on His plan? I've heard too many stories of False positives that cause worry and stress and that alone could do more harm than good. So with that, we're staying optimistic and praying for the health of a Girl or Boy. What ever God's Will, May it be Done! We trust in Him and know He already has a plan for that baby!

Any and all Prayers are appreciated. Please just pray specifically for a Healthy Baby, Pregnancy and Delivery. God Bless that Baby. He/She has many prayer warriors already.


  1. I did the quad screen last time and won't be doing it next time. Its not like we would abort if something was wrong and all the false positives would cause unnecessary worrying, I think! yay! for girl! did he give you a picture?

  2. I completely agree. We were so into the movements and whole idea of the moment we forgot to ask... ;-( But we have two US photos so far.

  3. I'm sooo excited for baby bowen and I can't wait to meet him or her!! This is such an exciting time in your life and one that you will cherish forever!!
